Stroj za vertikalno pakiranje prihvaća sav materijal od nehrđajućeg čelika, velikodušan izgled, razumnu strukturu i napredniju tehnologiju. Proces pakiranja protežući materijal za hranjenje uređaja. Plastic film in the film cylinder to form a tube, in the heat sealing edge of the vertical sealing device, packaging into the bag at the same time, the lateral sealing mechanism according to the photoelectric detection equipment color code shear packaging length and position.
Stroj za vertikalno pakiranje široko se koristi u svakodnevnom životu. Pogodan je za pakiranje raznih prahova, čestica, tableta i drugih proizvoda. Vertical packaging machine and other machines than there are characteristics in the packaging material conveying tube installed in the internal bag making machine, bag making, packaging material from top to bottom along the vertical direction.
Post Vrijeme: veljače-22-2025